
Anti Termite Treatment

Termites are sometimes called "white ants", though they are not closely related to true ants. Two of the major types of termites are Drywood termites and Sub -terranean termites.

Drywood termites live in dry, undecayed wood like limbs of trees, utility poles, posts, and lumber. Dry wood termites termites do not require a lot of moisture which makes them live in dry places. They do not require constant contact with the soil for their survival like it's Sub-terranean Cousin.

In a tropical country like India Sub-terranean termites are of more significance as they cause extensive damage. Subterranean termites are social insects which live in colonies in the ground. They build vertical tunnels that look like mud tubes above ground level in the search of food. Wood is made up of Cellulosic material which is the favorite food of Sub-terranean termites. Termites can also damage material of organic origin with cellulosic base such as paper, cardboard, fabric, furniture, etc.